Online Academic Writing Income
Money, the one thing everyone wants more of.
Money, the one thing that led you to this article.
Money, the one thing that breaks marriages.
Money, the stuff that starts wars.
I know you are curious, so straight away I am going to answer your question.
Question: How much of this money stuff are you going to make through Academic writing?
The truth is not much.
Or rather,
not as much as you think you are going to make.
Full Disclosure
* Income from academic writing varies widely. During the off-peak season revenue declines to virtually zero. For more on how to survive these off-season periods check our financial plan on how to survive the academic writing off season (link).
* Apart from that, the amount of money make will greatly vary depending on the effort you put.
It is really a no brainer.
If you are writing 16hours a day you will make more money than some lazy guy who is writing 1 hour a day.
*Most academic writing accounts pay after every two weeks. Consequently, the basic revenues discussed below assume a two-week payday.
Key Factors determining Academic Writing Revenue
- Is it offpeak or onpeak
- Your effort. How many hours are you writing? How many pages a day are you writing? The harder you work, the higher the income.
- Your Writing Account.Higher paying writing accounts equals higher pay.
Income for a Beginner Academic Writer
As a beginner writer expect to earn between $100 to $150 every 2wks
This translates to between $200 – $300 per month.
At this point you are yet to develop a consistent and efficient process to write orders. You can develop your own process faster by imitating our inhouse academic writing process
Income for an Intermediate Writer
As an intermediate writer expect to earn between $150 to $250 every 2wks
This translates to between $300 – $500 per month.
Now you are starting to get it. Keep at it and the big money will soon be yours.
And hey, if you haven’t gone through The Online Billionaire academic writing course.
What the heck man!
You are leaving money on the table for no reason.
The Income of an Expert Academic Writer
As an expert writer you are going to earn between $300 – $500 every 2wks
That translates to between $600 – $1000 per month.
Not Bad!
Finally, my friend, you are the real deal. People are now coming to you for advice on how to get started in academic writing.
I have been an expert academic writer for a year now. Everything is so much easier.
The money just keeps coming.
Reaching this level took me a whole year of pain.
Don’t let that happen to you.
Earn big money as early as next month by going through our free academic writing course
The Income of an Enterpreneur Writer
As an Entrepreneur Writer you will be making between $400 – $5,000 every month.
At this point you are not really a writer, you are running a business.
Warning being an Entrepreneur Writer is not for the faint hearted.
Realize that the average lower limit for the entrepreneur writer is lower than that of the expert writer. This is because being an entrepreneur writer comes with its risks. If you are not careful you will end up with losses.
For more on what it takes to be an Entrepreneur Writer check out our interview with an Entrepreneur Academic Writer.
If you believe you can handle the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur writer, go for it.
Get it right and the rewards are staggering.
The most successful entrepreneur Academic writer I know makes $5,000 a month.
Do you know an entrepreneur Academic Writer that makes more than $5,000/month?
Share his/her story in the comments section below.
My Academic Writing Income for the Past Two Years
I don’t want this to be one of those theory blog-posts where income figures are thrown around with no substantiating evidence.
Below is a summary of the authors academic writing income over the past two years.
The intention is to paint a real-world picture of academic writing income.
***The income below is intended for educational purposes. Your actual income may be lower or higher than the author depending on your effort and prevailing industry conditions.
***To paint a more accurate picture only income from one of the authors accounts is used. (highlight)
Between 03rd November 2017 and 27th of December 2019, the author has been paid a total of $7,834.76
This means that the author has earned an average monthly salary of $301 for the past two years.
If you live in a third world country, that is enough money to make you part of the middle class.
Due to the on and off nature of the Academic Writing Industry, this income was made while working 7 months a year
Income increased steadily as the authors skill increased. The average income for the first two months, November and December of 2017 was a merger $235/month (By this level the Author was already an intermediate writer). Compare this to the average income of $1,342/month one year later in the November and December of 2018.
Income for the First Two Months
Also notice the wide variability of income that is characteristic of the Academic Writing industry. The amount is low as the season starts or ends. As students prepared for the 2019 summer holidays the income for the last two weeks of May was just $16.
As University students prepare for their end of year exams in November, business peaks. Total income for November of 2018 was $1021.38.
Important points on the Authors Academic Writing Income Graph
- For the months July, August, September the author made little or no income.
- For the months of January and February the author also makes little or no income.
The above months coincide with the off-peak season. Read more on the off-peak and on peak nature of the Academic writing industry here.
- As the author understood and ins and outs of academic writing income progressively increased from March of 2017 to October of 2018.
The highest income was made in November and December of 2018 (over $1,000 a month). At this point the author was working 100 hours a week exclusively on writing. The author also had the help of one other writer.
- The Income for 2019 was significantly lower.
This is because 2019 was generally a bad year for Academic Writers. To find out why read our article, Is Academic Writing Dead?
The Author was also working on other projects.
summary Points
- If you put your heart and soul into Academic writing expect to earn as much as $1,000 per month.
- On average you will earn $300 a month even though you only work 7 months a year.
- Highest Monthly payout: 1021.38 dollars
- Normal Monthly Payout during high season: 700 dollars
- Become an entrepreneur academic writer and you could earn as much as $5,000 a year.
Income from Academic Writing Money is not legendary Money.
I know what you are thinking, an average of $300 dollars every two weeks (during peak season).
Dude!! That is more cash than I would ever want.
Let me let you in on a little secret. The first day you receive a $300 pay check. It will look like a lot of money. By the third, fourth payday $300 will look like no money at all.
The plan always is to continuously increase your income. This month make $300, next month increase that to $400. The month after that make $1000. The month after that make a million dollars. Five years later make a billion dollars a year.
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Other Important Articles You want to Check out
A list of the top ten Academic Writing Accounts
A list of all the Academic Writing account (100+)
More on the Offpeak and On peak Seasons in Academic Writing
How to get the most out of your new or abandoned academic writing account