Everything is a Circle …
Take the weather. Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn occur every year in a cyclic pattern.
Not convinced?
In the world of business, there is the business cycle. After an economic boom, there will be a recession and then a boom Again.

In the academic writing industry, the story is the same. There is an on-peak/ high season and an off-peak/low season.
This Academic writing cycle closely mirrors the school calendar of colleges in America, Australia, and Canada.
Those colleges students are our customers, remember.
Academic Writing high Season
The first wave of the online writing high season runs through March, April, May, June.
March – The high season is just starting out. There is work but not much work. Think of March as the warm-up before the real race.
April – The race is on. It is time to shift to high gear and accelerate to full throttle. Now is a good time to prioritize Academic writing over everything else.
May – Although the amount of work is starting to decrease it is no time to relax. There is still plenty of cash to be made.
June – After every race, an athlete takes 5 minutes to cool down his or her body. June is the cooldown month. The amount of available work is rapidly declining. This month is a good time to either plan for your holiday or look for an alternative hustle.
The second wave of the online Writing high Season runs through October, November, December.
October -October is just like March. The only difference is that work rumps up faster. By mid-October, it is just like the peak of high season.
November – If you had an option of only writing One month a year, then this is the month to pick. Usually, you will make your highest income during November. Curious about how much you can make? Read more on expected income from academic writing.
December – for the first half of December you will have as much work as in November. The second half is the cool-down period.
Hey! I told you being an Academic writer is the dream career.
Time to prepare for the December holidays is baked into the job.
Academic Writing
Low Season
The first Phase of Online Writing Low season covers the months of January and February.
Luckily, this first phase of the low season is the good low season. In the good low season, you still get work here and there.
January – School is just starting and students are yet to be given assignments. However, if you bid consistently you will still get work here and there.
February – Just like in January you will find little work here and there. Just don’t expect to make more than half your normal income.
The trick to getting assignments to complete during this first wave of academic writing is to check your writing account consistently.
- Pick your favorite biding/ order taking time Find out more on differences between bidding and taking times.
- Always be available to work on orders during that time no matter what.
- Stick to the above two instructions and you won’t starve to death during the start of the year.
The second phase of the Academic Writing Low season is during July, August, and September (Summer break in the tropical regions).
Every Academic writer dreads these three months. There is quite literally zero work.
July – You are very unlikely to get even a single order.
August – By now, most of the Academic Writing Companies are not in operation.
September – You are still unlikely to find work. However, towards the end of September, the industry slowly wakes up.
An Overview of the Academic Writer’s Calendar
- January – offseason (mild off)
- February – offseason (mild off)
- March – High season (modest high)
- April – High Season (peak)
- May – High Season (peak)
- June – High Season (modest high)
- July – Low Season (extreme low)
- August – Low Season (extreme low)
- September – Low Season (modest low)
- October – High Season (modest high)
- November – High Season (peak)
- December – High Season (peak)
The Truth About Academic
Writing Money

I remember the day I received my first paycheck like it was yesterday. It was November of 2017 and the paycheck was $284. At the time receiving $284 felt like being paid a million dollars.
Even better, I kept receiving more and more money every two weeks through November and December.
Do you know what I did?
Like a lottery winner, I spent all my money on stuff I didn’t need.
Come January, I did not have even a single penny.
After getting used to having cash, January and February of 2018 were quite literally, the toughest months of my years.
Handling Academic Writing Money
Mine is not an isolated case…
I have countless friends who go through this endless Rich broke cycle every year.
Identifying the rich broke friend: During the low season, they will be at your door begging for one dollar.
Yes, the same guy who made$1,000 barely a month ago will be borrowing one dollar.
Oh, how quickly the mighty fall.
Being a beggar friend is no fun.
So, please follow these two off-season survival principles
1. Save for the Off-Season
We Buy Things We Don’t Need with Money We Don’t Have to Impress People We Don’t Like
In today’s materialistic world everyone is busy convincing you to buy this new watch, and that fancy dress, and this other big fridge.
What they don’t tell you is that buying the latest junk will make you broke. This is the reality that I and many other academic writers have had to grapple with.

The day you get paid, you buy a 55-inch television set you will never watch. Oh, and to complement the TV set, you get a brand-new smartphone even though the one you have is perfectly fine.
If you avoid such junk and save the money instead, you will have more than plenty for the offseason.
Another rule of thumb is to avoid upgrading your lifestyle too fast.
Now that you are making a higher income you will be tempted to look for a bigger house. Maybe buy a car.
Take it slowly.
Accumulate wealth first and then upgrade your lifestyle appropriately.
2. Hibernate during the Off-Season
I don’t care about managing my finances.
I want to buy the latest smartphone and smart TV.
As soon as I have money I am moving to a bigger better house.
I believe life is short and there is no need for restrictions.
I only care about today, the future will take care of itself.
If this sounds like you then strategy number two is Intended for you.
Squander all your money during the high season and hibernate during the low season.
Hibernation procedure
- Buy food to sustain you for the low season.
- Pay low season rent during high season.
- Sleep and watch movies the entire low season.
Strategy to Permanently Eliminate Off- peak Seasons
The truth is the Online world is constantly changing.
Today, money can be made through Academic writing.
But how about tomorrow?
Already the Academic writing community is facing a lot of challenges. Read more about these challenges in the post, Is Online Writing dead?
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